
A |
AB Products
Alabama Theater
Alamo Elementary School
Albritton's Eats
Residence for Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Allen
Allen's Shoes
Almeda Court Apartments
B |
Barker Brothers Studio
Bay Theater
1901 Binz Ave.
Bond Clothes
1837 Branard St.
Brazoria County Courthouse
Brochsteins, Inc.
Brunson Theater
A.C. Burton Chrysler Sales and Service
Byrd's Department Store
C |
Cameron Iron Works
Capitan Theater
Carnation Company
Chambers County Courthouse
Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Childress
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
City Hall
City National Bank Building
Clarke & Courts Printing & Lithography Co.
Coca-Cola Bottling Plant
Congregation Beth Yeshurun Educational Building
Corrigan Center
D |
Dahlgren's Cabinet Shop
E |
Eldorado Ballroom
Empire Room, Rice Hotel
Ezekiel W. Cullen Building, University of Houston
F |
1326 Fairview St.
First National Bank of Beaumont
First National Bank of Goose Creek
Ford Motor Co. Building
Friendswood School
Fulton Theater
G |
Galveston Cotton Exchange and Board of Trade
Galveston Post Office, Custom House and Courthouse
Garden Oaks Theater
Golden Girl Restaurant (Captain John's Seafood Restaurant)
Goose Creek Federal Building and Post Office
Granada Theater
Gribble Stamp & Stencil Co. Gulf Building |
H |
Hamman Exploration Co.
Hawthorne & McGee Service Station
Heights Theater
Hollywood Grill
Residence for Harvey R. Houck Jr.
Houston Building and Loan Association
Houston Casket Company
Houston Fire Station No. 11
Houston Lighting & Power Co. Eastside Substation
Houston Municipal Airport Hangar
Houston Municipal Airport Terminal
Houston Turn-Verein Clubhouse
Residence for Dr. and Mrs. Lynn G. Howell
Hughes Tool Company, Inc.
Humble Oil & Refining Co. Filling Station Nos. 179 and 157
J |
J.C. Parks Building
James Coney Island No. 26
Jefferson County Courthouse
Jefferson Davis Hospital Josephine Apartments |
K |
Residence for F.M. Kannenstine
Knapp Chevrolet Co.
Kroger Signature Store No. 355
Krupp & Tuffly
Kurth Building
Kyle Block
L |
Lamar-River Oaks Community Center
Levy Bros. Dry Goods/Chamber of Commerce Building
1801 Lexington St.
Liberty County Courthouse
Lone Star Creamery Co.
Residence for Mr. and Mrs. John Lroy
M |
Martini Theater
Medical Arts Building
Mellie Esperson Building
Merchants & Manufacturers Building
Metropolitan Theater Minimax Store No. 1 Minimax Store No. 2 Mirabeau B. Lamar Senior High School Monarch Cleaners and Launderers Montrose Townhouse Lofts |
N |
Navaway Theater
North Main Theater
O |
Odd Fellows Hall, Baytown
Oil & Gas Building
Orange County Courthouse
P |
Parker Bros. & Co. Building
Pearland School
Peden Co. Building
Pennington Buick Co.
Peterson's Pharmacy
Petroleum Building
Public School Stadium (Robertson Stadium, University of Houston)
Q |
Quality Laundry
R |
Ralph Rupley Furs
Rettig's Heap-o-Cream
River Oaks Community Center
River Oaks Community Center expansion
River Oaks Theater
Robischung-Kiesling, Inc.
Roy and Lillie Cullen Building, Baylor College of Medicine
Roy G. Cullen Memorial Building, University of Houston
S |
St. Joseph Catholic Church
St. Joseph Hospital Maternity and Children's Building
Sakowitz Bros. (1929)
Sakowitz Bros. (1951)
Sam Houston Coliseum and Music Hall
5507-5515 San Jacinto St.
San Jacinto Monument
Santa Fe Building
Santa Rosa Theater
Science Building, University of Houston
Sears, Roebuck & Co. (1929)
Sears, Roebuck & Co. (1939)
Settegast Estate Building
Shamrock Hotel
Sixth Church of Christ, Scientist
The Smart Shop
South County Office Building
Stephen F. Austin Junior High School
Sterling Building
Sterling Laundry & Cleaning Co. |
T |
Temple of Rest
Tower Community Center
Tower Lofts
Tower Theater
Town House Arms Apartments
Transco Tower
333 20th Street Building
U.S. Appraisers Stores
U.S. Post Office Franklin Station and Federal Office Building
University State Bank
W |
Webster High School Wehring's Grocery and Market Weiner's Dry Goods Store No. 12 Weingarten's Big Food Market Nos. 14, 16 and 21 Office of Hugh C. Welch, M.D. West Mansion
1714 W. Alabama St. White House Dry Goods Co. Wilshire Village Apartments Wilson Building
Windsor Court Apartments
Y |
1102-1106 Yale Street |
 Brown, Michael E., ed. Harvin C. Moore Houston Architect. Houston Public Library/Houston Metropolitan Research Center, 1987.
Fox, Stephen. Houston Architectural Guide. American Institute of Architects/Houston Chapter, 1990, 1999.
“Handbook of Texas Online.” Texas State Historical Association, Austin.
Houston Architectural Survey, Volumes 1-6. City of Houston, 1980, 1981.
Houston Gargoyle Magazine. Various issues, 1927-1932.
Papademetriou, Peter C., ed. Houston: An Architectural Guide. American Institute of Architects/Houston Chapter, 1972.
Schmidt, Yolita. “The Moderne Style in Architecture: A Houston Guide.” City! Our Urban Past, Present and Future. Houston Public Library, 1978.
Texas General Contractors Association Monthly Bulletin. Various issues, 1922-1937.
“Texas Historic Sites Atlas,” Texas Historical Commission, Austin. Wilson, Michael E., ed.
Alfred C. Finn: Builder of Houston. Houston Public Library, 1983.

Special thanks to:
Joel Draut, Houston Metropolitan Research Center, Houston Public Library
Stephen Fox, The Anchorage Foundation
Jeffrey Mills, The Documentary Alliance
Ann and Jimmy Parsons |