1110 Main St.
Historic name: Foley's
Current name: Macy's
Completed: 1947, expanded 1957
Architect: Kenneth Franzheim
Though Franzheim's revolutionary windowless design for Foley's became the model for the modern American department store, this transitional building also reflects modernistic influences, particularly in its streamlined canopy, display windows and parking garage. The building was expanded from six to 10 stories in 1957. Its original aluminum signage remained in place until the store's name changed in 2006.
Houston businessman Jeff Hildebrand demolished the Foley's building in 2013 and is constructing a new office building on the site. The Foley's Garage remains standing as of 2015.
above | façade, 2004
detail (top) | escalators, 2007
detail (upper center) | façade, 1947
detail (lower center) | storefront rendering, 1946
detail (bottom) | garage detail, 2007
Photo by Jim Parsons